Saturday, September 15, 2012

I am very excited to tell you about a trip I have to Honduras! It is with Campus Crusade for Christ
and the program is called the International School Project.  I will be attending an educational forum
that will teach the teachers attending about ethics, values and character education.  The teaching is
based on the Bible.

The team that I am part of will depart on September 20 and return on October 7. We will be in
Siguatepeque and Tegucigalpa. Richard and I lived in Honduras from 1974 until 1988.  We were
missionaries with Camino Global. I am excited to return and see some of the same areas  where we

Please pray for me as I go to be a small group faciliator during the forum.
The prayer requests are for:
safety in travel for me and for the team of 40
wisdom in leading the group discussion and activities
strength and energy for the busy schedule

Thank you so much for participating in this ministry to the teachers of Honduras.